更换IP-云东方:标签:更换IP iPhone 手机网络怎么快速更换IP地址,IPhone6怎么刷ip地址 1 在网上抢手机?刷邀请码?抢内测资格这些七七八八的活动,它伀都有对IP址的限制基本上是一个IP限制一次机会。
Some of the activities are game orientated, but nonetheless still educational.
Here is the list of activity categories with some examples:
Currently GCompris offers more than 100 activities, and more are being developed. GCompris is free software, it means that you can adapt it to your own needs, improve it, and most importantly share it with children everywhere.
The GCompris project is hosted and developed by the KDE community.
We are pleased to announce that the full version of GCompris is now available at no cost for every supported platform!
The installers for Windows and macOS on our website have been updated to not require activation code anymore, and the full version on the Play store and Microsoft store are now gratis.
We hope that this move will make it easier for all the children in the world to get access to the best educational software.
Thank you all,
Timothée & Johnny
We are pleased to announce the release of GCompris version 0.97.
This new version contains 2 new activities:
And a lot of new features:
You can find packages of this new version for GNU/Linux, Windows and MacOS on the download page. This update will also be available soon in the Android Play store and the Windows store. For Raspberry Pi, we'll provide an installer soon. The updated version for iOS is still not available. Note that the MacOS package is not yet notarized, we will look at doing this during next year.
On the voices side, we added a new voice "try again" which is used in several activities instead of "check answer". You can check on this page if this voice is available in your language: http://mgnxv.protexnow.com/voicestats/ (in the "Misc" section). You can help us by providing a nice recording of your voice for all the missing entries in your native language.
On the translation side, we have 20 languages fully supported: Basque, Brazilian Portuguese, Breton, British English, Catalan, Chinese Traditional, Dutch, French, Galician, Greek, Italian, Macedonian, Malayalam, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Ukrainian.
We also have 15 languages partially supported: Belarusian (65%), Catalan (Valencian 95%), Chinese Simplified (66%), Estonian (93%), Finnish (86%), German (96%), Hindi (73%), Hungarian (95%), Indonesian (95%), Irish Gaelic (78%), Norwegian Nynorsk (93%), Russian (76%), Scottish Gaelic (67%), Slovenian (54%), Turkish (95%).
Usually we only ship translations that are at least 80% complete. However several translations dropped way below 80% (especially Slovenian, Belarusian and Scottish Gaelic ; but also Hindi, Russian and Irish Gaelic). We decided to keep those exceptionally for this release, and hope to see former or new translators complete those translations. If we get updates or new translations, we will make a release update.
So if your language is in the partially supported list, or is not yet supported at all, and you want to help, please contact us and we will give you instructions to get started translating.
Another way to help is to write some posts in your community about GCompris, and don't hesitate to give us feedbacks.
Thank you all,
Timothée & Johnny